The commercial real estate market has many current challenges pushing from all sides. Tenants are hard to come by. Rent is hard to come by. Debt pressures are increasing. And every owner has the burden of real estate taxes. Despite these paramount issues many appraisal districts are still increasing taxes.
Now how can a appraisal district that appraises property based on "MARKET VALUE" justify increases when there is an obvious decrease in market value virtually everywhere? The answer is they do not! That is something for the taxpayer to do. But as a taxpayer do you know where to do this? Do you have the time devote to preparing a complete and detailed case? Do you have the tools for preparing a case? Do you know property tax law?
Well we do. We are Harvard Property Tax Consultants and we specialize in Commercial Property Tax Appeals. We would love to sit down with you and discuss how we can save you money!
Contact us at 469.737.7708,Harvard Property Tax 2222 Elm Street, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75252
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